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Multiple Class Blocks in One Script File

WinWrap® Basic is an embedded macro language control available for .NET/COM 32/64 bit Windows applications. The WinWrap® Basic Component is compatible with VBA, Sax Basic, VB.NET and Visual Basic 6.0 style scripts.

Mix subroutines, functions, class blocks, and module blocks in a single script file. Share public subroutines, functions, class blocks, and module blocks from a single file with '#Uses.

Inline Class and Module Blocks

  • Mix subroutines, functions, class blocks, and module blocks in a single file
  • Alternative to VB6 style class files
  • Drop in VB.NET class code with little or no changes
  • Full auto completion support

Solve Triangle with Class Blocks

Notice how easy it is to write a macro (Sub Main) and classes together in one file. Terrific!

More Easily Incorporate VB.NET Code into WWB.NET Scripts

'#Language "WWB.NET" Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Dim DialogParameters As New Dictionary(Of String, DialogParameter) Sub Main() CreateUI End Sub Class Triangle Private Corners As New List(Of TriangleCorner) Public Sub New(Sa As Double, Sb As Double, Sc As Double, AA As Double, AB As Double, AC As Double) Corners.add(New TriangleCorner("A", Sa, AA)) Corners.add(New TriangleCorner("B", Sb, AB)) Corners.add(New TriangleCorner("C", Sc, AC)) End Sub Public Function Angle(index As Integer) As Double Return Corners(index).Angle End Function Public Function Side(index As Integer) As Double Return Corners(index).Side End Function Public Sub Solve() Dim n As Integer Do n = Sides + Angles If Angles = 2 Then TryAA() If Sides = 3 Then TrySSS() If Sides = 2 AndAlso Angles >= 1 Then TrySAS() If Sides = 2 AndAlso Angles >= 1 Then TrySSA() If Sides = 1 AndAlso Angles >= 2 Then TryAAS() Loop While Not Solved AndAlso Sides + Angles > n ' continue while making progress SortNames() End Sub Public ReadOnly Property Solved As Boolean Get Return Sides = 3 AndAlso Angles = 3 End Get End Property Private Sub TrySSA() SortAngles() If Side(2) <> 0 AndAlso Angle(1) = 0 Then ' Law of Sines: a/sin(A) = b/sin(B) = c/sin(C) ' solve for B: sin(B)/b = sin(C)/c ' solve for B: B = asin(sin(C)*b/c) ' side b is Side(1) ' side c is Side(2) ' angle C is Angle(2) Dim asin = Math.Sin(Angle(2)) * Side(1) / Side(2) ' cope with asin slightly out of range If asin < -1 Then asin = -1 If asin > 1 Then asin = 1 Corners(1).Angle = Math.ASin(asin) End If ' http://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/trig-solving-triangles.html End Sub Private Sub TrySAS() SortSides() If Angle(0) <> 0 AndAlso Side(0) = 0 Then ' Law of Cosines: a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2*b*c*cos(A) ' solve for a: a = sqrt(b^2 + c^2 - 2*b*c*cos(A)) ' angle A is Angle(0) ' side b is Side(1) ' side c Side(2) ' side a is Side(0) Corners(0).Side = Math.Sqrt(Side(1)^2 + Side(2)^2 - 2 * Side(1) * Side(2) * Math.Cos(Angle(0))) End If End Sub Private Sub TryAA() SortAngles() If Angle(0) = 0 Then ' Law of Angles: A + B + C = 180 ' solve for A: A = 180 - B - C ' angle A is Angle(0) ' angle B is Angle(1) ' angle C is Angle(2) Corners(0).Angle = Math.PI - Angle(1) - Angle(2) End If End Sub Private Sub TryAAS() SortSides() If Side(1) = 0 Then SortAngles() ' Law of Sines: a/sin(A) = b/sin(B) = c/sin(C) ' solve for b: b = c*sin(B)/sin(C) ' side b is Side(1) ' angle B is Angle(1) ' side c is Side(2) ' angle C is Angle(2) Corners(1).Side = Side(2) * Math.Sin(Angle(1)) / Math.Sin(Angle(2)) End If End Sub Private Sub TrySSS() SortAngles() If Angle(0) = 0 Then ' Law of Cosines: a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2*b*c*cos(A) ' solve for A: A = acos((b^2 + c^2 - a^2)/(2*b*c)) ' side a is Side(0) ' side b is Side(1) ' side c is Side(2) ' angle A is Angle(0) Corners(0).Angle = Math.Acos((Side(1)^2 + Side(2)^2 - Side(0)^2) / (2 * Side(1) * Side(2))) End If End Sub Private Sub SortNames() Dim tc As New TriangleCornerNameComparer Corners.Sort(tc) End Sub Private Sub SortSides() Dim tc As New TriangleCornerSideComparer Corners.Sort(tc) End Sub Private Sub SortAngles() Dim tc As New TriangleCornerAngleComparer Corners.Sort(tc) End Sub Private ReadOnly Property Sides() As Integer Get Dim cnt As Integer = 0 For Each Corner As TriangleCorner In Corners If Corner.Side <> 0 Then cnt = cnt + 1 Next Return cnt End Get End Property Private ReadOnly Property Angles() As Integer Get Dim cnt As Integer = 0 For Each Corner As TriangleCorner In Corners If Corner.Angle <> 0 Then cnt = cnt + 1 Next Return cnt End Get End Property Private Function PieceDescription(piece As Double) As String If piece = 0 Then Return "0(Empty)" Else Return piece.ToString() End If End Function Public Overrides Function ToString() As String Dim s As String = "" For Each Corner As TriangleCorner In Corners Dim sCorner As String = "(Side=" & PieceDescription(Corner.Side) & ", Angle=" & PieceDescription(Corner.Angle * 180/Math.Pi) & ")" s = If(s <> "", s & " ", s) & sCorner Next Return s End Function End Class Class TriangleCorner Public Name As String Public Side As Double Public Angle As Double Public Sub New(aname As String, aside As Double, aangle As Double) Name = aname Side = aside Angle = aangle End Sub Public Overrides Function ToString() As String Return String.Format("Side={0}, Angle={1}", Side, Angle) End Function End Class Class TriangleCornerNameComparer Implements IComparer(Of TriangleCorner) Public Function Compare(x As TriangleCorner, y As TriangleCorner) As Integer Implements IComparer(Of TriangleCorner).Compare Return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name) End Function End Class Class TriangleCornerSideComparer Implements IComparer(Of TriangleCorner) Public Function Compare(x As TriangleCorner, y As TriangleCorner) As Integer Implements IComparer(Of TriangleCorner).Compare Return If(x.Side = y.Side, x.Angle.CompareTo(y.Angle), x.Side.CompareTo(y.Side)) End Function End Class Class TriangleCornerAngleComparer Implements IComparer(Of TriangleCorner) Public Function Compare(x As TriangleCorner, y As TriangleCorner) As Integer Implements IComparer(Of TriangleCorner).Compare Return If(x.Angle = y.Angle, x.Side.CompareTo(y.Side), x.Angle.CompareTo(y.Angle)) End Function End Class Sub CreateUI() For Each di As String In {"AA", "AB", "AC", "Sa", "Sb", "Sc"} DialogParameters.Add(di, New DialogParameter(di)) Next Begin Dialog UserDialog 390,196,"Triangle Solver",.DlgFunc ' %GRID:10,7,1,1 GroupBox 10,7,80,105,"Select",.GroupBox1 OptionGroup .Group1 OptionButton 20,21,60,14,"SSS" OptionButton 20,35,60,14,"SAS" OptionButton 20,49,60,14,"SSA" OptionButton 20,63,60,14,"AAA" OptionButton 20,77,60,14,"ASA" OptionButton 20,91,60,14,"AAS" Picture 120,14,110,63,"",0,.Picture1 GroupBox 120,84,120,63,"Sides" Text 130,98,10,14,"a" Text 130,112,10,14,"b" Text 130,126,10,14,"c" TextBox 140,98,90,14,.Sa TextBox 140,112,90,14,.Sb TextBox 140,126,90,14,.Sc GroupBox 260,84,120,63,"Angles" Text 270,98,10,14,"A" Text 270,112,10,14,"B" Text 270,126,10,14,"C" TextBox 280,98,90,14,.AA TextBox 280,112,90,14,.AB TextBox 280,126,90,14,.AC PushButton 280,28,80,35,"Solve",.Solve CancelButton 300,168,80,21 End Dialog Dim dlg As UserDialog Dim result = Dialog(dlg) End Sub Rem See DialogFunc help topic for more information. Private Function DlgFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean Select Case Action% Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization SelectTriangle(0) DialogParameters!Sa.Value = 3 DialogParameters!Sb.Value = 4 DialogParameters!Sc.Value = 5 Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed Select Case DlgItem Case "Group1" SelectTriangle(DlgValue("Group1")) Case "Solve" SolveTriangle DlgFunc = True End Select Rem DlgFunc = True ' Prevent button press from closing the dialog box Case 3 ' TextBox or ComboBox text changed Case 4 ' Focus changed Case 5 ' Idle Rem Wait .1 : DlgFunc = True ' Continue getting idle actions Case 6 ' Function key End Select End Function Sub SelectTriangle(index As Integer) Dim Category As String = {"SSS", "SAS", "SSA", "AAA", "ASA", "AAS"}(index) Dim enables As String = {"abc", "Abc", "Bbc", "ABC", "ABc", "ACc"}(index) DlgSetPicture "Picture1", MacroDir & " riangle-" & Category & ".bmp", 0 For Each dp As DialogParameter In DialogParameters.Values dp.ConditionalEnable(enables) Next End Sub Sub SolveTriangle() For Each dp As DialogParameter In DialogParameters.Values If Not dp.Enable Then dp.Value = 0 Next Dim Sa As Double = DialogParameters!Sa.Value Dim Sb As Double = DialogParameters!Sb.Value Dim Sc As Double = DialogParameters!Sc.Value Dim AA As Double = DialogParameters!AA.Value Dim AB As Double = DialogParameters!AB.Value Dim AC As Double = DialogParameters!AC.Value Dim t As New Triangle(Sa, Sb, Sc, AA, AB, AC) t.Solve() If Not t.Solved Then MsgBox "Can't solve triangle" DialogParameters!Sa.Value = t.Side(0) DialogParameters!Sb.Value = t.Side(1) DialogParameters!Sc.Value = t.Side(2) DialogParameters!AA.Value = t.Angle(0) DialogParameters!AB.Value = t.Angle(1) DialogParameters!AC.Value = t.Angle(2) End Sub Class DialogParameter Private field As String Public Sub New(afield As String) field = afield End Sub Public Sub ConditionalEnable(enables As String) Enable = enables.Contains(Right(field, 1)) End Sub Public Property Enable As Boolean Get Return DlgEnable(field) End Get Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) DlgEnable field, Value End Set End Property Public Property Value As Double Get Dim v As Double = Val(DlgText(field)) If Left(field, 1) = "A" Then v *= Math.PI/180 Return v End Get Set(ByVal NewValue As Double) If Left(field, 1) = "A" Then NewValue *= 180/Math.PI DlgText field, CStr(NewValue) End Set End Property End Class

More Class Blocks Features

  • Clear modular structure for WWB.NET scripts
  • Supports object enclosure (no inheritance)
  • Implement .NET interfaces with WWB.NET script classes
  • Supports generic collections of WWB.NET script class objects

WinWrap® Basic Class Blocks Demo Code on GitHub

Solve Triangle with Class Blocks

This demo solves a partially specified triangle for the remaining sides and angles. A form is displayed with the 3 solved sides and 3 solved angles for the specified triangle.

You can see the demo code at github.com/WinWrap/CodeExamples/tree/master/Triangle. Open Triangle2.wwd with WinWrap Director to run the code. You can get WinWrap Director with a WinWrap Basic evaluation download here.


Mix subroutines, functions, class blocks, and module blocks in a single script file.

Copyright Polar Engineering, Inc.