January 26, 2024
Announcing WinWrap® Basic as a .NET 8.0 Component
WinWrap® Basic is available as a .NET 8.0 component compatible with Visual Studio 2022 17.8.1+ and Windows 10.
WinWrap® Basic for .NET 8.0 uses Microsoft .NET 8.0 Windows Desktop
- WinWrap® Basic is available as a .NET 8.0 component
- Requires Microsoft .NET 8
- Simultaneous access to .NET 4 Framework Assemblies
- Requires WWB.NET/5+ Application Certificate Option or
- Requires .NET 5+ Host Application Certificate Option
.NET v8.0 Host Application
- Host application uses .NET v8.0
- WinWrap® Basic for .NET 8.0 uses .NET v8.0
Microsoft .NET 8
Install the latest release from Microsoft
to build .NET 8 applications with WinWrap® Basic for .NET 8.0 and WinWrap Basic® for WPF 8.0.
BasicIdeCtl .NET Component
- A .NET scripting control that can be placed on a form
- Macro editing, execution and debugging are supported through the IDE embedded in the form
- Same interface as the .NET 4.0 and .NET 5.0+ versions
BasicNoUIObj .NET Component
- A .NET scripting object that can be referenced or created without a containing form
- Macro execution is supported through the object
- Macro editing and debugging are not supported
- Same interface as the .NET 4.0 and .NET 5.0+ versions
BasicIdeObj .NET Component
- A .NET scripting package that can be referenced or created without a containing form
- The IDE window for this object is created when CreateOverlappedWindow method is called
- Macro execution is supported through the object
- Macro editing and debugging are supported through the IDE in the overlapped window
- Same interface as the .NET 4.0 and .NET 5.0+ versions
Copyright Polar Engineering, Inc.