64-Bit Windows
WinWrap® Basic is an embedded macro language component available for .NET and COM 32/64 bit Windows applications. The WinWrap® Basic Component is an alternative to Visual Basic for Applications VBA, ActiveX (e.g. VBScript, JScript, PerlScript, Rexx-based WSH engines and others), and VSTA for this purpose. The WinWrap® Basic Component is compatible with VBA, Sax Basic, VB.NET and Visual Basic 6.0 style scripts.
WinWrap® Basic has native 64-bit support and is fully compatible with Windows 64 bit operating systems.
- Supports performance and reliability advantages of the 64-bit architecture
- Allows applications to use extremely large in-memory datasets
64-Bit Processes Can Access 8 Terabytes of Processor Memory

WinWrap® Basic on Windows 64Bit
- WinWrap® Basic has native 64-bit support
- 8 Terabytes memory available for 64-bit processes
- WinWrap® Basic runs in a native 64 bit process as ActiveX, WinForm component, or DLL
- Can load 64-bit DLLs
Extremely Large Data-Sets Fit Entirely into Memory
- Up to 8 Terabytes memory available on Windows 64 Bit Operating Systems
- Better memory management and performance
- Fast access to very large in-memory data sets
- Huge speed improvements for applications with large memory requirements
- Remove memory limitations on database memory cache
- Huge memory space for large datasets
Runs Native 64 Bit Application
- 32-bit applications cannot take advantage of the large 64-bit memory space
- 32-bit processes cannot load 64-bit DLLs for execution
- 32-bit applications will fail to execute if WoW64 option is not installed
- Compatible with WinWrap® Basic script compiler option
Windows Server 2008 WoW64 Option
- The WoW64 Option is the 32-bit App Support Layer
- Optional component that is not installed by default
- System administrators can reduce OS resource usage by not installing WoW64
- If not enabled 32-bit applications will fail to execute
WinWrap® Basic Version 10
- Native 64-bit .NET WinForm component
- Native 64-bit .NET DLL component
- WWB.NET Language fully 64-bit enabled
- Native 64-bit ActiveX component
- Native 64-bit COM DLL component
- WWB-COM Language fully 64-bit enabled
Create a Compiled Library with WinWrap® Basic Version 10 Compile Option
- Speed up WWB.NET code by 100 times
- Compile speed-critical WinWrap® Basic library projects
- Utilize the full power of VB.NET code
- Access application defined language extensions
- Call compiled code directly from WWB.NET scripts
- Call compiled code via delegates
- Use any of thousands of .NET Framework Classes
The WinWrap® Basic WWB.NET Scripting Language Option Enables
- Support for VB.NET style syntax
- .NET Scripting for COM or .NET host applications
- Access to the Microsoft .NET Framework
- Access to 3rd Party .NET Code Assemblies
- Editing and autocompletion for WWB.NET scripts
- Debugging for WWB.NET scripts
Provide Users with a Complete Scripting Development Environment
Applications including the WinWrap® Basic BasicIdeCtl .NET or BasicIdeCtl ActiveX scripting runtime ship with a fully featured development environment including an editor and a debugger.
- Full WinWrap® Basic script editing
- Powerful autocompletion capability
- Built-in documentation
- Complete debugging capability
- .NET scripting development environment plugin for Windows applications
The WinWrap® Basic software package is used in conjunction with Microsoft development tools including Visual Studio, Visual Studio.NET, Visual Studio Express, and ActiveX scripting engines. For COM, use WinWrap® Basic with Microsoft Visual Studio v6/2005/2008, Visual Basic v6, or other ActiveX scripting applications or ActiveX scripting DLLs.
Compare Sax Basic and WinWrap® Basic
- Sax Basic win not run on Windows Server 2008 if optional WoW64 is not installed
- Sax Basic is 32 Bit only
- Sax Basic has only 4 GB memory available for 32-bit processes under WoW64
- Sax Bsic can load only 32-bit DLLs
Sax Basic has only 32-bit support and will not run on Windows Server 2008 unless the optional WoW64 compatibility option has been installed by the server administrator.
Conversion from Sax Basic to WinWrap® Basic
- 32-bit only
- Conversion from Sax Basic V7 is easy
- The OCXs use different names and GUIDs
- Both Sax ActiveX Scripting and WinWrap® Basic can be installed at the same time
- The scripting languages are 100% compatible
Copyright Polar Engineering, Inc.